It is post COVID and employees need to come back to the office. How would you design a system for employees to book desks.

It is post COVID and employees need to come back to the office. How would you design a system for employees to book desks.


As a product manager, designing a system for employees to book desks in a post-COVID office environment would require consideration of several factors. Here are some steps I would take: 1. Understand the user needs: The first step in designing this system would be to understand the needs of the employees who will be using it. This would involve conducting user research to determine how often employees need to come into the office, what their preferred work environment is, and what features they would like to see in a desk booking system. 2. Define the system requirements: Based on the user needs, I would define the requirements for the desk booking system. This would include factors such as the maximum number of employees who can be in the office at one time, how many desks are available, and how long employees are allowed to use a desk. 3. Design the system architecture: With the requirements in mind, I would design the architecture for the desk booking system. This would involve deciding on the technology stack, database schema, and system interfaces. 4. Develop and test the system: Once the architecture is in place, the development team would begin building the desk booking system. During this phase, several rounds of testing would be conducted to ensure that the system is functioning as expected. 5. Launch and monitor the system: After the system is developed and tested, it would be launched to the employees. As the product manager, I would monitor the system usage and gather feedback from the employees to continuously improve the system. In addition, there are a few key features that I would consider including in the desk booking system: - Real-time desk availability: Employees should be able to see which desks are available in real-time and book them accordingly. - Flexible booking: Employees should be able to book desks for different time periods, such as half-day or full-day bookings. - Contact tracing: In the event that an employee who has used a desk tests positive for COVID-19, the system should be able to identify which other employees have used the same desk, allowing for quick and efficient contact tracing. - Automated cleaning schedules: The system could be integrated with the office cleaning schedule to ensure that desks are cleaned after each use. Overall, the key to designing a successful desk booking system for a post-COVID office environment is to prioritize the needs of the employees and ensure that the system is easy to use, flexible, and provides the necessary safety measures.

