you are PM for opentable, solve for the worst post booking customer experience

you are PM for opentable, solve for the worst post booking customer experience


As a product manager for OpenTable, addressing the worst post booking customer experience would be a top priority. One possible solution would be to implement a robust feedback system that allows customers to rate and provide feedback on their dining experiences. This feedback can be used to identify and address common pain points, such as slow service, incorrect orders, or poor quality food. Additionally, OpenTable could work with restaurants to improve their service and address any issues highlighted in customer feedback. This could involve providing training and resources to restaurant staff, or working with them to optimize their menu offerings. Another approach would be to provide customers with personalized recommendations based on their dining history and preferences. By leveraging data and machine learning algorithms, OpenTable could suggest restaurants and menu items that are likely to appeal to individual customers, leading to a more satisfying dining experience. Finally, OpenTable could consider offering incentives to customers who provide feedback on their dining experiences, such as discounts or loyalty points. This would encourage more customers to provide feedback, which would in turn provide OpenTable with more data to improve its services. Overall, addressing the worst post booking customer experience would require a multifaceted approach that leverages data, technology, and collaboration with restaurants. By prioritizing customer feedback and using it to drive improvements, OpenTable can create a more satisfying dining experience for its customers.


Product prioritization