You are the PM of IG story before we launch, how would you set metrics for progress?

You are the PM of IG story before we launch, how would you set metrics for progress?


As the PM of Instagram Stories, I would set metrics to measure the progress of the feature launch. Here are some of the metrics that I would use: 1. User engagement: This metric will help us measure how engaged users are with Instagram Stories. We can track metrics such as the number of views, shares, and likes to understand how users are interacting with the feature. 2. Retention: This metric will help us measure how often users are coming back to use Instagram Stories. We can track metrics such as daily active users and the number of stories posted per user to understand how frequently users are using the feature. 3. Completion rate: This metric will help us measure how many users are completing the full story. We can track metrics such as the percentage of users who watch the entire story to understand how engaging the content is. 4. Conversion rate: This metric will help us measure how many users are taking action after viewing a story. We can track metrics such as the number of users who visit a website or make a purchase after viewing a story to understand how effective the feature is at driving conversions. 5. Feedback: This metric will help us measure how users are responding to Instagram Stories. We can track metrics such as user feedback surveys and social media sentiment to understand how users feel about the feature and identify areas for improvement. By regularly tracking these metrics, we can gain insights into how well Instagram Stories is performing and make data-driven decisions to improve the feature and drive user engagement.

